A message to the Eke Panuku the board chair
13 October 2022
- News
Tena ra tatou e te whanau o Eke Panuku.
As you are aware, the operation of the CCOs, including Eke Panuku, has received some media coverage.
The Mayor-elect has outlined possible changes to the CCO model, as is his right, and if Council decides to make changes in our scope and operation we will of course support this.
The Mayor-elect is also reported as wanting the Eke Panuku board to be replaced. Obviously, there are critical Eke Panuku operational requirements which cannot be undertaken without director sign-off and involvement. A managed process would be needed in the event of any Council decisions for governance changes in an orderly manner, and which do not impinge on our day-to-day operations. I will be talking to senior Council leaders to achieve a businesslike process.
As the post-election Council transition can bring some uncertainty, the well-being of the Eke Panuku staff is of the utmost importance to the Board. We have an Auckland Council endorsed Statement of Intent, business plan and budget for the year and are implementing all the outcomes set by Council. We encourage you to focus on continuing to deliver the plans and projects agreed with Council. The Board is very proud of the work you all do which has been repeatedly endorsed by Council and receives much public acclaim.
Our work as an urban regeneration agency makes a real difference for Auckland’s town centres and the amenity of our local communities. The nature of urban regeneration, as opposed to property development, is to invest in the future of Tāmaki Makaurau which is why we have a Wynyard Quarter and emerging centres such as Northcote, Avondale, Takapuna, Panmure and Manukau. The creation of thriving town centres and support for the Council group has never been more important following the ongoing impacts of the covid years.
Please take care and talk to David Rankin and his team if you have any questions.
Nga manaakitanga
Naku iti nei
Paul Majurey
Eke Panuku Board Chair