A space for everyone Te Ara Tukutuku
30 September 2022
- Wynyard Quarter
- News
Over the next ten years Te Ara Tukutuku, known as the northern end of Wynyard Point, will be transformed into one of the most beautiful waterfront destinations in Tāmaki Makaurau. Soon, the vision will be shared publicly for feedback.
Te Ara Tukutuku will be a shift away from a regular public space as we know it. In opening up to the public, it will become a living green edge - providing an area to reconnect and rebind the relationship between Tangaroa (god of the sea) and Papatūānuku (mother earth), opening up the space to the public.

To bring this vision to life, a design collective has been appointed by Eke Panuku and mana whenua following a comprehensive selection process. The process attracted impressive submissions from leading design, landscape architecture and urban design experts – a testament to the significance of the project.
Ultimately, Toi Waihanga (comprised of LandLAB, Warren and Mahoney, Mott MacDonald (supported by DONE), Stellar Projects, BECA, Fresh Concept, and New York-based landscape architecture firm SCAPE) was awarded the contract to design the public realm component of Wynyard Point. Working closely alongside Eke Panuku and mana whenua, Toi Waihanga brings substantial experience, vision, and global expertise to this important work.
Henry Crothers on behalf of the design collective says, “Toi Waihanga represents our collective of ‘creatives’ bringing our own expertise, experiences and passion that alongside Mana Whenua and Eke Panuku will support Te Ara Tukutuku to thrive through deep engagement, meaningful wānanga and regeneration. A process of listening, enabling, codesign and delivery that enables Te Ara Tukutuku to breathe and thrive.”
Key milestones
Summer-Autumn 2023
Regenerative design on vision and framework continues with Ngā Iwi Mana Whenua o Tāmaki Makaurau and key stakeholders
The guiding document for this work, and for Wynyard Quarter’s next stage of regeneration is the plan called Te Ara Tukutuku. A name gifted by mana whenua, Te Ara Tukutuku is a name used for waka (canoe) ramps. It is a metaphor for the binding of the land and the sea, between the domains of Tangaroa and Papatūānuku.
Created in partnership with mana whenua and through consultation with key stakeholders including the Waitematā Local Board and our Auckland Council-whānau, Te Ara Tukutuku draws from the City Centre Masterplan 2020, and sits alongside the Waterfront Plan, setting the scene for the next phase of design and delivery on Wynyard Point over the coming years.
Mana whenua representative Pāora Puru, Kaitiaki, Ngāti Te Ata Waiohua says, “Although a long time in the making and not without its challenges, we as individual iwi mana whenua have come together with Eke Panuku to create a foundation document that will see the unique faces of Tāmaki Makaurau embedded into this place so future generations may see themselves reflected back and know that they belong.”
You can read Te Ara Tukutuku here.
Four key kaupapa (principles) will guide the transformation of Wynyard Point:
·Te Wakatupu I Ō Tātou Hapori / Growing Our Communities
·Ā Tātou Whakarite Mō Ngā Wāhi Tū Wātea / Enhancing Our Public Open Space Journey
·Te Wheako I Te Taha Moana / Celebrating A Waterfront Experience
·Te Manaakitanga / Building On Our Hosting Legacy
Eke Panuku Board Chair Paul Majurey says the board is very proud of Te Ara Tukutuku. “This exceptional plan has been created through the successful partnership of the various mana whenua of Tāmaki Makaurau and the Eke Panuku team. This intergenerational mahi will guide the transformation of Wynyard Point - into a place where people experience the value of manaakitanga, cherish the moana, watch fleets of waka and boats, feel the grass under their feet and enjoy the spaces and mara hupara (playground) with whānau.”
For next steps, Toi Waihanga is working alongside Eke Panuku and mana whenua over a number of hui to gain an understanding of the brief and ensure a clear line of sight between the purpose, principles, design and outcomes of Te Ara Tukutuku and its delivery.
Once ready, the designs will be shared publicly so that Aucklanders can get involved, have their say, and share their aspirations for the future of the space. We look forward to being able to share more soon and getting Aucklanders excited about what this major open space will look and feel like.
“Where once iwi mana whenua were all but largely absent in the built environment, ongoing partnership with Eke Panuku has given rise to an increasingly sophisticated indigenous voice that is unique to Tāmaki Makaurau,” shares Adrian Pettit, Iwi Kaitiaki of Te Ākitai Waiohua, “Te Ara Tukutuku seeks to crystallise that voice, in a way that is both enduring and highly legible.”
Together, Toi Waihanga will work with mana whenua and Eke Panuku to create a public space that is distinctly Tāmaki Makaurau, recognisably Aotearoa, resilient, prepared for the future, and a place where people will always feel welcome.