Plan for Pukekohe revealed
03 February 2020
- Pukekohe
- News
Recently we launched Kia Puāwai a Pukekohe - the overarching plan for urban regeneration for Pukekohe.

This plan outlines a vision shared with local communities, business groups and mana whenua, to deliver urban prosperity so that the town centre is competitive, safe, walkable and vibrant, with better access to employment, education and healthcare.
We have identified eight key moves which will be our focus over the coming years.
These key moves are where we feel we can make the biggest contribution. They span precinct redevelopment, public realm investment and placemaking.
Soon we’ll be taking this plan ‘on the road’ to share it with the people of Pukekohe. Keep an eye on our Facebook page for event announcements.
Or for more information check out Kia Puāwai a Pukekohe - summary brochure.