Takapuna, it's your time
18 July 2018
- Takapuna
- News
Significant population growth is expected in Takapuna over the next 30 years.
Smart redevelopment is required to accommodate this growth.

Our vision is to create a vibrant, safe and accessible town square at 40 Anzac Street, in the centre of Takapuna. This is off the back of engagement earlier this year, as well as consultation and planning dating back to 2010.
The town square would add around 3,000sqm of council-owned public space to Takapuna. We would partner with the private sector to deliver new homes, shops, eateries and offices on the rest of the site. There is some misinformation out there about this development, and it’s our responsibility to give you the facts.
The options are:
1. Town square Hurstmere to Lake Road.
This option locates the square between Lake and Hurstmere Roads. This option would be sunny and safe, with strong links from Shore City and the bus stops down to the beach. It would have views of Rangitoto and could accommodate large events, particularly in conjunction with Hurstmere Road.
Click here to see the panotour:
2. Town square adjacent to Potters Park.
This option is sheltered from winds with strong connections to Potters Park. It could accommodate large events, especially in summer when Potters Park could be used.
Click here to see the panotour:
3. No town square.
This would mean the status quo remains:
- The site at 40 Anzac Street would remain a car park, with no town square or additional public space created for Takapuna
- The site at 14 Huron Street would not be developed in to a multi-level car parking building and the apartment development on the other part of this site would not go ahead
- No upgraded bus facilities on Lake Road
- No streetscape improvements along Huron and Northcroft streets
We do not believe that this option benefits the future of Takapuna. Doing nothing in this key central site won’t create the people-friendly environment envisioned for Takapuna.