Walk and view Northcote’s proposed greenway
12 October 2017
- Northcote
- News
The residents of Northcote have for more than a decade talked about the idea of a greenway connecting the various open spaces around the town centre.
Those ideas will now become reality with the initial designs completed and ready to be shared with the community by the two organisations delivering the project - Panuku Development Auckland and HLC (a subsidiary of Housing New Zealand).

The greenway will provide a place to walk or cycle, play and meet people, connecting local destinations, including the schools, town centre and public transport.
It will follow the path of the old Awataha Stream to the sea, running from Kaka Reserve in the west through Greenslade Reserve and the town centre, and down between homes and schools to Akoranga Reserve.
The greenway will be designed with the community so that it becomes something that is treasured and cared for by everyone. The design will also help with water flow during periods of heavy rain – reducing flooding in the area.
This long-talked-about idea of connecting open spaces has the potential to deliver significant social, environmental and cultural outcomes for the Northcote community.
The greenway is a project that will be jointly delivered by Panuku and HLC, working alongside the Kaipātiki Local Board and mana whenua.