Eke Panuku working under the COVID-19 RED setting

23 January 2022

  • News

Eke Panuku is committed to keeping our tenants and our staff safe, and we continue to follow government advice under the COVID-19 Protection Framework with all the areas in which we work or are responsible for.

Given the nature of our business, this includes everything from property inspections through to working within shared public facilities.

Working With EP

Specific details on requirements are available below.

Even though we are a highly vaccinated country, COVID-19 can still spread in our communities. To slow the spread of the virus, and continue to help protect you, your whānau and your community, it is important to keep up the healthy habits we know:

  • Regularly wash and thoroughly dry your hands or use hand sanitiser.
  • Sneeze and cough into your elbow.
  • Keep your distance from people you do not know.
  • Clean or disinfect shared surfaces often.
  • If you have cold, flu or COVID-19 symptoms, stay home and get a test.

Meeting With Our Tenants

When at RED: Virtually or In Person

At Red setting meetings with tenants can be done either virtually or in person. When in person, wear a face covering and maintain 1m physical distancing.

Every site will have a QR code so please use the NZ COVID Tracer app to scan in.

If the site is following the My Vaccine Pass requirements, please present your My Vaccine Pass when asked to do so.

Property Inspections and Leasing

Including Landlord maintenance and repairs, compliance inspections.

Commercial Property Inspections

When at RED: In Person

At Red setting commercial property inspections can be done in person. Wear a face covering and maintain 1m physical distancing.

If available, use the NZ COVID Tracer app to scan or keep a record of attendees, timing and location for contract tracing purposes.

If the site is following the My Vaccine Pass requirements, please present your My Vaccine Pass when asked to do so.

Residential Property Inspections

When at RED: In Person

At Red setting residential property inspections can be done in person. Wear a face covering and maintain 1m physical distancing.

Keep a record of attendees, timing and location for contract tracing purposes.

Leasing Vacant Property - Commercial

When at RED: In Person

At Red setting visits to vacant commercial property with prospective tenants can be done in person. Wear a face covering and maintain 1m physical distancing.

Use the NZ COVID Tracer app to scan the site QR code.

Leasing Vacant Property - Residential

When at RED: In Person

At Red setting visits to vacant residential property with letting agents can be done in person. Wear a face covering and maintain 1m physical distancing.

Use the NZ COVID Tracer app to scan the site QR code.

Working in Common Areas

Indoor Common Areas

When at RED: In Person

At Red setting visits to sites with indoor common areas can be done in person. Wear a face covering and maintain 1m physical distancing.

Use the NZ COVID Tracer app to scan or keep a record of attendees, timing and location for contract tracing purposes.

If the site is following the My Vaccine Pass requirements, please present your My Vaccine Pass when asked to do so.


Outdoor Common Areas

When at RED: In Person

At Red setting visits to sites with outdoor common areas can be done in person. We encourage the use of a face covering when working or passing through outdoor common areas, and 1m physical distancing.

If available, use the NZ COVID Tracer app to scan or keep a record of attendees, timing and location for contract tracing purposes.


Commercial Common Areas (e.g. shared lobby, bathrooms and entrance/exits)

When at RED: In Person

At Red setting visits to sites with commercial common areas can be done in person. Wear a face covering and maintain 1m physical distancing.

If available, use the NZ COVID Tracer app to scan or keep a record of attendees, timing and location for contract tracing purposes.

If the site is following the My Vaccine Pass requirements, please present your My Vaccine Pass when asked to do so.

Residential Common Areas (e.g. multi tenanted units)

When at RED: In Person

At Red setting visits to sites with residential common areas can be done in person. Wear a face covering and maintain 1m physical distancing.

If available, use the NZ COVID Tracer app to scan or keep a record of attendees, timing and location for contract tracing purposes.


Retail Food & Beverage Common Areas (e.g. shared bathroom, waste compounds)

When at RED: In Person

At Red setting visits to retail food and beverage sites with shared common areas can be done in person. Wear a face covering and maintain 1m physical distancing.

If available, use the NZ COVID Tracer app to scan or keep a record of attendees, timing and location for contract tracing purposes.

If the site is following the My Vaccine Pass requirements, please present your My Vaccine Pass when asked to do so.

Construction Sites and Onehunga Port

Onehunga Port


When at RED: In Person

At Red setting, fully vaccinated people may visit the Onehunga Port site office. Wear a face covering and maintain 1m physical distancing.

My Vaccine Passes will be required when visiting the Onehunga Port site office.

Scan the NZ COVID Tracer app.

Construction Sites (managed to CHASNZ recommended standards)

When at RED: Virtually where possible

At Red setting it is encouraged that site meetings are held virtually where possible. Where a meeting can only be held in person, guidelines under the COVID-19 Standard for New Zealand Construction Operations must be followed. Wear a face covering and maintain 1m physical distancing.

Scan the NZ COVID Tracer app.

Further information on Site operations under the COVID-19 Protection Framework can be found here


Retail in Council Service Property (e.g. coffee shop in libraries)

When at RED: In Person.

At Red setting most Auckland Council community centres, libraries, art centres and galleries are open in line with government guidelines. Wear a face covering and maintain 1m physical distancing.

If the site is following the My Vaccine Pass requirements, please present your My Vaccine Pass when asked to do so.

Scan the NZ COVID Tracer app or keep a record of attendees, timing and location for contract tracing purposes.


Public Spaces (e.g. Silo Park Playground, basketball courts, Manukau Container Village, Public Toilets)

When at RED: In Person.

At Red setting most public facilities are open in line with government guidelines.

When indoors, wear a face covering and maintain 1m physical distancing. We encourage the use of a face covering when working or passing through outdoor areas, and 1m physical distancing.

If the site is following the My Vaccine Pass requirements, please present your My Vaccine Pass when asked to do so.

Scan the NZ COVID Tracer app or keep a record of attendees, timing and location for contract tracing purposes.