The City Centre Action Plan

December 2023

  • City Centre
  • In Progress

The City Centre Action Plan 2023 - 2034 has been endorsed by the Planning, Environment and Parks Committee.

Recently the council group agreed it needed to work more closely together in its work for Auckland 's city centre, which is a critical asset for the region and nation.

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Recently the council group agreed it needed to work more closely together in its work for Auckland’s city centre, which is a critical asset for the region and nation.

Eke Panuku was asked to lead a new integrated approach, developing an implementation plan which would bridge the gap between the high-level City Centre Masterplan and projects and initiatives on the ground.

The resulting City Centre Action Plan 2023-2034 takes the aspirational, long-term thinking of the Masterplan and creates a cross agency plan for delivery and helps the council group to explain “why this, why now?”.

The development of the plan involved engagement and feedback from a wide range of stakeholders and members of the city centre community.

It brings together projects from across council organisations and helps guide their prioritisation to get the most for the city centre.

The plan has a focus on improving people’s experience in the city centre and making the most of already planned investment.

It is a living document, intended to be agile, and updated regularly to reflect changes as needed. The plan is being refreshed now to reflect changes since it was first developed.

There are five focus areas in the short term, informed by our discussions with stakeholders and community groups.


Improving people's experience (from artist impression of Downtown Precinct redevelopment)

Realising the full benefits of the City Rail Link (from artist impression of City Rail Link)

Supporting residential growth (photo from Wynyard Quarter)

Advancing other city-shaping projects (artist imagining of a Port development)

Increasing climate resilience (photo from Wynyard Quarter)

The plan is as much about how we will work as what we will do. Collaboration and partnership will be crucial to its success.

The Action Plan has been endorsed by Auckland Council through the Parks, Environment, and Planning Committee, The Waitematā Local Board, the Eke Panuku board and the leadership of Auckland Transport and Tātaki Auckland Unlimited.

Read the full City Centre Action Plan below.

City Centre Action Plan

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