The City Centre Action Plan
December 2023
- City Centre
- In Progress
The City Centre Action Plan was developed to align the council group’s work programmes into a cohesive, integrated plan aimed at delivering the key outcomes of the City Centre Masterplan.
The council group are working closely together in Auckland’s city centre, a critical asset for the region and nation.

We have developed an implementation plan that bridges the gap between the high-level City Centre Masterplan and projects and initiatives on the ground.
The resulting City Centre Action Plan takes the aspirational, long-term thinking of the Masterplan and creates a cross agency plan for delivery and helps the council group to explain “why this, why now?”.
The plan is guided by three core objects:
• Prioritise investment: Work according to a unified plan that maximises the impact of available funding.
• Integrate efforts: Operate as a single, coordinated team by leveraging the skills and expertise across the council group, while providing clear and consistent direction for decision-makers.
• Inspire collective action: Motivate and support others to contribute to the regeneration of the city centre, including partners, stakeholders, and the wider community.
The development of the plan involved engagement and feedback from a wide range of stakeholders and members of the city centre community.
There are six focus areas, informed by our discussions with stakeholders and community groups.
- Getting the basics right and improving the experience of the city centre
- Realising the full benefits of the City Rail Link
- Supporting residential growth in the city centre
- Advancing our future programme
- Increasing climate resilience
- Integrated transport
The plan is as much about how we will work as what we will do. Collaboration and partnership will be crucial to its success.
It is a living document, intended to be agile, and updated regularly to reflect changes as needed
The plan was refreshed for accuracy and relevance in 2024, reflecting changes in the latest Long Term Plan and actions which have been completed in the first year (20).
The Action Plan has been endorsed by Auckland Council through the Parks, Environment, and Planning Committee, The Waitematā Local Board, the Eke Panuku board and the City Centre Steering Committee.
Read the full City Centre Action Plan below.