D’Oyly Reserve: Return to wetland
Project completed June 2019
- Whangaparaoa
- Complete
D’Oyly Reserve is in Stanmore Bay
An innovative solution will bring light and life to a historical stream once more.

An innovative solution for D’Oyly Reserve in Stanmore Bay will bring light and life to a historical stream once more.
Through a process known as ‘daylighting’, the stream running through D’Oyly Reserve has been returned from an underground pipe to a more natural state. This will support plant life, provide a haven for birds, improve the passage for fish and act as a natural filter to prevent pollutants from reaching the sea. It also involves the ecological enhancement of the stream’s banks stretching 750m.
Working closely with Auckland Council, we completed the project in June 2019. As the reserve backs onto Stanmore Bay School, the project provides areas for outdoor classrooms, cycleways, walkways and play areas.