Marine Education Days for Te Ara Tuktuku
27/04/2024 - 28/04/2024
10am - 4pm
- Wynyard Quarter
34 Brigham St
Auckland Central
Auckland 1010

Come along for a close encounter with marine creatures and learn how we can improve the health of Te Waitematā as part of the Te Ara Tukutuku project to regenerate Wynyard Point.
With special guests from Leigh Marine Laboratory...
Join us on for a weekend of interaction and education.
The weekend is all about understanding what thriving and less-healthy marine environments look like, and understanding what we can do to encourage a healthy marine environment. Have a close-up view of marine creatures through a microscope, touch some seastars and urchins, and learn how to monitor our marine environment.
This is a child-friendly weekend so come and play for as long as you’ve got! Join us in this first step towards healing the moana surrounding Wynyard Point. Nau mai, haere mai. We look forward to seeing you!
Register your interest in the Saturday April 27 event here.
Register your interest in the Sunday April 28 event here.