More parking for Avondale
To support Te Hono - Avondale’s new library, community hub and upgraded town square, we’ve built a new car park at 28 Racecourse Parade.

More parking for Avondale
Last year, we worked with the Avondale community to get their thoughts on the proposed designs for the library, community hub and upgraded town square. Feedback was positive, with locals’ needs and desires incorporated in the design. We also identified a need for more car parking.
Mahi (work) began on the new car park in mid-2022 and finished later that year. The car park is managed by Auckland Council. It is gated, with two mobility parks and 28 general parking spaces on what used to be unused council land next to the Avondale Central Reserve at 28 Racecourse Parade.
The new library, community hub and upgraded town square, called Te Hono, will be a place for the whole whānau, ideal for exploring the library, sitting with a book in one of the quiet areas and enjoying the good views, or using the outdoor space for activities like games and barbecues. The input from community groups, individuals and local organisations were all essential to the concept design process.
Project Milestones
Construction begins
May 2022
As work got underway, we put in place measures to reduce disruption for neighbours and to manage the impact on the surrounding streets.