The upgrade of Papa ki Awataha Jessie Tonar Scout Reserve is complete!

22 March 2024

  • Northcote
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  • Mana Whenua
  • Sustainability
  • Urban regeneration

The transformation of the reserve is remarkable!

What was scrubby grass and overrun bush, is now a delightfully green, lush, and interesting space for the rapidly growing Northcote community to use and enjoy.

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Kate Cumberpatch

“It’s wonderful to see wildlife returning to the reserve and stream, a great sign of a healthy local ecosystem. It’s been such a great project to be part of.”

Priority Location Director, Eke Panuku
Kate Cumberpatch

The upgrade

The upgrade of the reserve includes:

  • An improved open space area with new landscaping, seating, exploration trails, recreation spaces and native planting.
  • The Awataha Stream, which originates in the reserve, has been restored and enhanced to improve the water flow, and there is now a clear pathway through the regenerated bush to the puna (spring).

The upgraded reserve is the start of the multi-award-winning Te Ara Awataha – Northcote's new greenway.  

Kate Cumberpatch, Priority Location Director, Eke Panuku, says,

“The result is a more beautiful and useable public space for locals to spend time in, including new residents who will soon be moving into the brand-new homes on the nearby Kākā Street.”

“It’s wonderful to see wildlife returning to the reserve and stream, a great sign of a healthy local ecosystem. It’s been such a great project to be part of.”

Following a mana whenua-led karakia whakawātea (dawn blessing) on Friday 22 March, the upgraded Papa ki Awataha Jessie Tonar Scout Reserve was reopened to the public.


The transformative process

The transformation of the reserve started with Kaipātiki Project, a local environmental charity, who we support, working with local volunteers.

The completed mahi. As the work commenced.

Drag the toggle left and right to compare

A comparative slider showing the works beginning and the completed project.


Working with us to regenerate the reserve since 2018, their initial hard mahi paid off as they steadily removed pest plants without the use of pesticides, such as bamboo and wild ginger, to help restore the native bush.

In 2023, Eke Panuku started a 10-month physical upgrade of the reserve, which is now complete.

Applying ‘Take Mauri, Take Hono’ – a mana whenua tool to measure Mauri (life essence) indicators - great care was taken to protect and restore the natural ecology and minimize environmental damage. For example:

  • During construction, an ‘at risk’ Banded Kōkopu fish was safely move to a new location.
  • Local storm damaged trees were used to create interesting features.
  • Weeds were removed by hand rather than using chemicals.
  • Green waste was turned into compost.
  • Native plants moved during construction, were reused elsewhere on-site or on nearby sites by Kaipātaki Project.
  • The use of construction vehicles, such as trucks and diggers, was limited to minimise environmental damage.
  • Old paving stones were reused on-site or taken to a concrete recycling plant to be crushed and re-used, diverting over four tonnes of waste from landfill!



 Kate says,

“The regeneration of the reserve and its contribution to Te Ara Awataha, would not have been possible without collaboration and lots of hard mahi. We’re very grateful to our partners, to help bring this project to reality.”

We collaborated with: mana whenua, Auckland Council’s Healthy Waters; Auckland Council; Kaipātiki Local Board; Kaipātiki Project; Kāinga Ora; Isthmus; T&T;  our contractor (Glasgow Contractors); community volunteers and others in the community, including the schools and school children.


Te Ara Awataha

The greenway follows the path of Awataha Stream and links a network of green spaces throughout Northcote.

Not only does Te Ara Awataha physically connect the community, it connects people to nature – delivering health and wellbeing benefits for locals – and it also provides significant environmental benefits, such as improved water quality, stormwater management and nature regeneration.

Learn more about the Te Ara Awataha project here.


Redevelopment of Northcote

The upgrade of the reserve and Te Ara Awataha are part of our plan to revitalise Northcote, to help the neighbourhood thrive.

The next stage is the redevelopment of the town centre, including a new community hub. See here for more information: Northcote.

Learn more about the redevelopment of Northcote here.

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