Hayman Park playground

15 March 2022 - TBC

  • Manukau
  • Complete

We’re bringing a spectacular playground to Manukau

Part of our Transform Manukau programme, the upgrade of Hayman Park’s playground offers a new centre of epic adventure for the tamariki of Tamaki ki te Tonga (south Auckland) to enjoy.


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Hayman Park playground completed

Hayman Park was officially opened with a ceremonial blessing led by mana whenua on Friday 21 July.

The completion of the playground is only a small (though very tall) part of the wider significant urban regeneration programme in Manukau to create a better urban environment and attract further investment in homes and amenities.

“Our communities need to offer something for everyone, so ensuring our tamariki have somewhere to learn, grow and explore is just as important as new homes, shops and businesses. With multiple activities for all ages set in 10 hectares of parkland, this destination playground will be a great addition to all that Manukau offers”

Eke Panuku Chief Operating Officer
Ian Wheeler

The history of this project...

The original plan proposed:

  • two flying foxes
  • rope play equipment
  • an urban wave track and pump track for fun on wheels and learning to ride
  • an additional basketball half-court (due to especially high demand) alongside the already pumping half-court


  • a 12.8-metre-high play tower (that’s taller than six Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnsons)!
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Wait, a TOWER?

Oh yes. This beast will be bigger than even the 9m-tall play tower in Takapuna, with multiple platforms stretching up four storeys – offering a challenging activity just to get to the top.

Once at the peak, there’s a tunnel slide to zoom down, or a family slide lower down for those preferring a milder adventure.

The tower will also boast a rock-climbing wall, rope tunnel bridges, climbing ropes and a rooftop seesaw.


These swashbuckling features will be joining the existing

  • young children’s play area
  • nature play space
  • skate park
  • toilets
  • kiosk with canopy shelter.

“This playground will be a destination to envy, and we can’t wait to see people come from miles afar to enjoy the finest playground action Auckland has to offer. And for those who are moving to Manukau: get ready, because this will soon be up and running, right in your own backyard.”

Priority Location Director
Richard Davison

It’ll be ideal for a full family visit

Not only will there be the thrills of the playground to enjoy, but with Hayman Park being right by Manukau town centre, you’ll have plenty of kai, hot and cold drinks, things to do and sights right nearby.

What’s more, this playground will within short walking-distance of Manukau’s bus and train stations, meaning convenient public transport for all the whānau.

This is a big investment in Manukau

The fantastic Manukau community deserves the best, and so we want our new playground to be a sophisticated addition to this thriving urban centre.

Phase 1 of this emporium of adventure received $4.3M, while the more ambitious Phase 2 cost $7.2M – towers don’t come cheap, after all.

“Manukau has the youngest population in the region, so it is important we have play equipment that is fit for purpose and caters for our diverse communities. It’s wonderful to see that we will finally have a true destination playground in the heart of south Auckland.”

Ōtara-Papatoetoe Local Board Chair
Apulu Reece Autagavaia
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In good hands

We’ve handed management over to council’s Community Facilities team, who are charged with taking care of all of Tāmaki Makaurau / Auckland’s playgrounds.

Our mahi in Manukau

More photos of the completed playground

Now that the playground is complete, enjoy some more photos of kids enjoying this uplifting space.

Hayman Park playground FAQs

What is the age range that can use the playground? 

The playground is designed for children of all ages.

How tall is the tower? 

The tower highest point is 12.8m and from our research it appears the tallest in Auckland and possibly in NZ. The next highest play structures are in West Auckland - Parrs Park and Tui Glen both at 11m.  Even the highest point is 12.8m, the spiral slide is at 9.1m. 

What safety features are there? 

The spiral slide, standing 9.1m high from centre of entry to ground, has been carefully designed to all guidelines, ensuring compliance for safety. The playground underwent a thorough Crime Prevention through Environmental Design (CPTED) assessment, leading to the implementation of a gate that will be locked at night. While access remains possible via the slides and climbing walls, we have installed sensors and lights that activate if someone enters outsider of operational hours. 

Why is there not a fence around the playground? 

The playground has been intentionally designed to strongly connect the play space into the wider park. During the design process it was determined that placing a fence around the playground would sever this connection. Informal barriers such as planting and seats have been used to guide movement within the park.We are aware that by not including a fence this does impact on some users that have a tendency to run, however the adjacent road is fairly quiet and it is some distance (30m+) away from the park. 

Will the metal slide get too hot in summer? 

The positioning of the two slides was carefully planned, taking into account the arc of the sun throughout the day and the location of the established mature trees.  This ensures that the slides receive optimal shading at different times, creating an enjoyable experience for kids during the hottest of summer days.  Safety and comfort were our top priorities in designing this playground for the community. 

Where are the toilets? 

There are two accessible toilets with baby change facilities conveniently located near the playground, and additional restroom facilities can be found at the nearby train and bus stations, ensuring easy access for the community. 

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