Pedestrian crossing upgrade on Pilkington Road

April 2024 - May 2024

  • Panmure
  • Complete

The pedestrian crossing on Pilkington Road connects Clifton Court and the library.

This work on Pilkington Road is one of many projects planned for Panmure over the next decade as part of the Panmure Masterplan.

Pedestrian crossing upgrade completed in Panmure

As part of our work in Panmure, we have completed an upgrade the of pedestrian crossing on Pilkington Road in Panmure that connects Clifton Court and the library, so that locals can safely cross the road to enjoy these local facilities. 

Lead by Senior Project Manager, Tim Keat, work completed saw the current pedestrian crossing on Pilkington Road become a raised pedestrian crossing, with new signage, line marking, pedestrian refuge islands and tactile crossing indicators, as well as minor kerb realignment and footpath replacement at either side of the crossing.

Over the last six years, we’ve worked extensively with stakeholders and the community to agree a way forward to redevelop Panmure over the next ten-years, to develop the Panmure Masterplan. The work on Pilkington Road is one of many projects planned for Panmure over the next decade as part of this plan.

This work followed the completed a refresh of the Queens Road streetscape as well as an upgrade of Clifton Court, including installation of a new playspace. 

What has been improved?

The pedestrian crossing on Pilkington Road has become a raised pedestrian crossing. Other improvements included new signage, line marking, pedestrian refuge islands and tactile crossing indicators, as well as minor kerb realignment and footpath replacement at either side of the crossing.

A shared vision for the future

Eke Panuku Development Auckland is the council-controlled organisation that delivers urban regeneration in Tāmaki Makaurau – Auckland. We’ve been working with the community and local stakeholders on creating the Panmure Masterplan, a way to redevelop the Panmure town centre over the next 10-years. We are working to enhance it as a great place to live, visit and do business. The completed works on Pilkington Road are one of many projects planned for Panmure over the next decade as part of this plan.

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